Saturday, January 31, 2009

Temptation Island

Well, I am in Sin City this weekend and temptation is all around me. I walked into my in laws house to find a fridge full of cookies, chocolate and ice cream. Just great. Needless to say, I had to made a trip to the grocery store for some healthy food. I am trying to be strong and stay away from the cookies, but I must admit I had half of a sugar cookie yesterday that Summer had left laying on the counter. :( I also have been digging the pecans out of the the buttery pecan ice cream. But nuts are okay, right? LOL

Anyways, I'm not sure how good I'm gonna be while I'm here, but I am trying. I went to a Jazzercise class yesterday morning and think I'm gonna go again today, but I might just got for a long walk instead because no one else is up to watch Summer right now. I tried to pack in a good workout for my shoulders and legs before I left, but I am already missing the gym. I feel like I need to go workout, but I don't really have a gym to go to. If they are anything like trying to find a liquor store in Vegas, it may be next to impossible. Last night we drove around for 30 minutes trying to find one. Can you believe that? When we finally did find one, I told the guy I couldn't believe how hard it was to find a liquor store in Vegas. He said most grocery stores sell liquor. We passed a ton of those in our search...if I had only known. I am hoping Merlot is on the list of things I can have on my diet, but I doubt it. At least not the amount I consumed last night while singing karaoke. :) It was fun though and I am hoping all the dancing I was doing while singing burned away a few extra calories. I have heard though that once you start drinking, your body doesn't burn calories the right way or something. Not sure if that is true, but I should probably ask my personal trainer. I could ask her questions all day long, but I don't really want to be a pain so I will try to save them for when I go see her when I get back. I just hope I haven't gained a few pounds by then.

Well, I better get off here and find some sort of way to exercise so I can get on with my day and not feel like a complete slacker. But, isn't that what vacations are for????

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